Welcome evil!
overlapping generations???
for years watchtower has taught that some of the people (anointed) who saw the events of 1914 will be alive to see the end of this system of things.
102 years later and the end is nowhere in sight; another failed prophecy.. to remedy the situation they have concocted some 'new light' in the form of the overlapping generation doctrine.
this new doctrine essentially states that the generation of 1914 consists of two groups of anointed whose lives overlap.
Welcome evil!
overlapping generations???
hi all , because i'm useless and can't be bothered studying, i need some rebuttals for the excuses given in this week's bs , (i love how the acronym matches its origin) my uber dub father pleaded with me to study this week's book study as it addresses my issues with them being directed by holy spirit etc and how jah reveals things progressively , problem is i know there's a great argument to put fwd with proper preparation but i'm onto my 2nd drink of the evening and can't be assed , please unload some smoking guns i can take with me tomorrow .
The 1st century Christians had witnessed miracles. They were being taught a consistent thing - the law was removed and the apostles had a new theology. There was no constant backward/forward/up/down flip flops in the 1st century, again showing the modern GB are not anything like the apostles
Sorry to disagree because you are one of my favorite posters. We have nothing written by the original apostles , other than Paul, to back up your claim. From examining the new testament and other gospel not included in the canon, it's rather easy to conclude that "There was no constant backward/forward/up/down flip flops"
Funny how, despite the huge number of inconsistencies in the Bible, many still use it as an infallible reference.
there is not much to be analyzed.
in a cult enviromment the leader will always look up for himself.
he would never hesitate to break every rule to save his own skin.
What if we avoid "IFFING" so much in the OP's. That would be so effing great!
for those who were never a jw, here's a fun guide to passing yourself as one:.
privilege [priv-lij] - a duty nobody would volunteer to do which is assigned to you without your say so.
such as cleaning the toilets, picking up other brats candy wrappers in the back row and being stuck on locking up duty for the 7th time in a row.. df'd [dee-eff'd] - disfellowshipped.
A competition in which JW's attempt to be the slowest walker and knock on as few doors as possible.
Another event of the competition is to stand in a corner holding a magazine, avoiding eye contact, always looking straight forward and without blinking for as long as possible.
The third part of the competition is only for the most accomplished preachers. JW's stand near a literature cart and try to avoid eye contact and conversation with anyone passing by.
The goal is to count as many hours while using minimum calories
released today, this is a very accessible and easy to understand piece by michael marshall for the bbc.
it's lengthy, and i'll confess i've taken a break about a third of the way in but i'm loving it!
the secret of how life on earth began.. enjoy.
I copied and pasted the article. It took 65 pages of Microsoft Word, but well worth the time to read it. It's more thorough and better documented than chapters one and two of Genesis.
this info is from the article "who is leading god's people today" feb 17 study edition.. to help them disseminate bible truth in various languages, zion’s watch tower tract society was legally incorporated in 1884, with brother russell as president.
* he was an outstanding student of the bible, and he fearlessly exposed as false such doctrines as the trinity and the immortality of the soul.
he discerned that christ would return invisibly and that “the appointed times of the nations” would end in 1914.. pretty sickening article overall about how badass the gb is, though this little gem is printed as well, paragraph 12. the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
CTR was counting on a physical return in 1879, but when it failed, he moved it to 1914.
the watchtower society maintains a very strict gender dichotomy in its organization.
this is news to no one.
although men -- in many cases, unqualified men -- are expected to reach for advancement within local congregations (e.g.
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
Lanza's main argument seems to be that there is evidence that observation affects causation in the material world. He is suggesting a paradigm shift is in order because the irregularities in the traditional conception of the universe are mounting up
That's all fine and good, but we shouldn't look at the superstitious tales of the past for explanations and answers.
supposedly the disciples witnessed jesus' super-power awesomeness first-hand.. so they were all 100% on-board to-the-death martyrs ... right?.
erm .... judas betrayed him.
thomas didn't believe he'd come back.
And surely therein lies the rub. If it truly were propaganda why on earth would they have included these details?
Dan Brown's books contain more detailed narratives than any of the gospels. therefore what?.... they are true???!!
we all know that education is severely demonized in this religion.
and that the elders are appointed based on how many meetings they attend, hours they put in on the ministry and general attitude to other elders (as apposed to, you know, actual theological training and counseling) - so my question is, what were your elders occupations outside the kingdom hall?.
in my old congregation our elders consisted of:.
No window washers here. Through the years in my wife's Spanish congregation I recall elders working as
baker in supermarket store
self employed (cranes service)
court translator
court translator
clerk for title company
retired (sales)
The female pioneers and otherwise almost all house cleaners